Learned more about trauma during six months in South Africa than in an entire career in Norway
Thrilled to finally be able to meet again at partner training
Partnership - Just Another Buzzword?
Partnership is a widely used term in the field of development aid. Through overuse, the concept has become a buzzword, often used to describe relationships regardless of how they are organised, according to the report.
Blog: Young and decisive
Taking young people seriously is a matter of giving them a voice and actually listening. By Minister of International Development Dag-Inge Ulstein and Norec Director General Jan Olav Baarøy.
Introducing our two new trainees
Blog: Post COVID-19: Business as Usual or Game Changer?
The ongoing pandemic has made us do a quantum-leap in terms of tech-savviness, and new methods of working. When a vaccine is in place, the world will open up. But this means that we who work in development will have to ask ourselves a question: should we continue the way we have been doing, or should we follow new roads made possible by experiences from the times of Corona?
Blog: What 2020 taught us: Cooperation means everything
In January, nobody knew what Covid-19 was. Today, nobody is unfamiliar with it. Within a few months, an unknown virus from a market in China has become the biggest crisis for generations. This is a limitless virus, defying borders, social class and nationality.
Blog: 20 years of mutual exchange
20 years ago this month, Norec was relaunched by the Kings Council of Ministers. Since then, we have facilitated exchanges for 10,000 individuals, and seen that partnerships, equality and reciprocity are key for getting results in development.
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