
Stories from projects
Norec develops leaders

Stories from projects
Empowering young people through entrepreneurship

Stories from projects
Girls can go to school whether we are on our period or not

Stories from projects
Shared knowledge – infant mortality rate halved

Stories from projects
Street mediation in Norway opened the door to conflict resolution in post-war Colombia
Street mediation in Norway opened the door to conflict resolution in post-war Colombia.

Stories from projects
Signed life insurance policies for 10,000 Kenyans

Stories from projects
For Nomkhosi, playing in a brass band changed her life – now she is working hard to help others change their lives with music

Stories from projects
Helping each other improve for almost 20 years

Stories from projects
The infant mortality rate fell significantly after nurses gained new knowledge

Stories from projects
Learned more about trauma during six months in South Africa than in an entire career in Norway
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