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Norec exchange participant

Are you about to go on a Norec work exchange?

Prepare for a life-changing experience

To participate in a Norec work exchange is a formidable experience.

More information to come.

Important: Individuals cannot apply to Norec for work exchange. It is a company or similar entity that applies, then in turn send their employees to work in another country.

Life as a Norec participant

When you are going on a Norec exchange, you have certain rights and responsibilities.

We have gathered some information about what you can expect from your home and host partners, and what is expected of you.

Frequently asked questions

These are some of the questions people often ask us about going abroad on a Norec work exchange

  • How can I go on a Norec work exchange and work abroad?

    Unfortunately, you as an individual can not apply to Norec for work exchange. Norec is not a agency that provides international jobs.

    A company or a similar entity applies for a grant for an international exchange project. Then in turn they send employees to work in another country.

    We encourage you to discuss with your employer the opportunities that a Norec exchange offers. See the link below for helpful tips.

  • What exactly is a work exchange?

    For over 20 years, Norec has provided grants for companies and organisations to send employees on work exchanges. These exchanges take place between Norway and countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

    Here’s an example to illustrate:

    A hospital in Norway has a collaboration with a hospital in India. This is called a partnership. They want to learn from each other.

    A young Indian nurse and a young Norwegian nurse swap places for a year. This is known as an exchange.

    During their exchange, the nurses face challenges, achieve successes, and experience both highs and lows. They acquire new skills, learn a new language, and immerse themselves in a different culture. In short, they gain valuable insights about both their profession and themselves.

    When they return home, they use everything they have learned to help their hospitals provide better healthcare services to their local communities.

    Before, during, and after the exchange, Norec offers courses and guidance for both the nurses participating in the exchange and their supervisors. This ensures that all parties gain maximum benefit from the exchange.

Resource bank

Before working abroad it is important to familiarise yourself with relevant skills and knowledge.

We have gathered some of the most important resources to help you stay safe and make the most of your stay.