Since 2017, Techbridge Invest has trained over 600 young entrepreneurs in Kenya and promoted sustainable business development. With support from Norec, they help reduce inequalities and promote economic growth in East Africa.

“At Techbridge, we meet people with a practical approach, so they learn while they work. This has given us the opportunity to build successful start-ups and help young entrepreneurs succeed,” explains Milton Onyiro, finance controller at Techbridge Kenya.

Techbridge Invest provides training, guidance, and practical support to young entrepreneurs in Kenya to create profitable and sustainable companies. Between 2021 and 2024, the company was part of a Norec exchange involving Techbridge Invest in Norway, Techbridge Invest Africa in Kenya, and SUNami Solar in Kenya and Uganda. The project is a great example of how the business sector can contribute to development and the sustainable development goals.

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Great Opportunities in the African Market

Techbridge Invest has developed intensive training and incubation programs that last seven to nine months.

“These programs have been crucial for establishing companies in solar energy, security solutions, and agriculture,” says Nermina Ljevakovic, former finance director at Techbridge and former Norec participant.

Ljevakovic was the first participant in the Norec-supported exchange project. She helped build Techbridge Invest Africa from the office in Mombasa, Kenya.

Techbridge Invest in Norway, Techbridge Invest Africa, and SUNami Solar work to use technology and innovation to achieve the sustainable development goals and create a better future.

Empowering women and young people

Techbridge Invest aims to help more women enter the technology industry. By giving women opportunities to learn technology and secure jobs in the field, they help elevate women into the business world. For Techbridge, collaboration with international partners has been a key factor, made possible with support from Norec.

“Exchanging employees between Norway, Kenya, and Uganda has been important for ensuring knowledge sharing and the development of Techbridge Invest Africa in Kenya,” says Ljevakovic.

In eight years, Techbridge Invest has created over 500 jobs in East Africa.

Using technology to achieve the sustainable development goals

Techbridge Invest helps entrepreneurs from the idea phase to new start-ups. Additionally, Techbridge has a fund that invests in these companies, helping them become independent.

The companies supported by Techbridge Invest develop technological and innovative solutions to challenges in the African market.

An example is SUNami Solar Kenya, which works on electrifying rural areas in Kenya and Uganda. The company was established as a result of entrepreneurship training and was part of a Norec-supported partnership.

“Access to electricity is crucial for consumers in Kenya, regardless of the source. SUNami offers affordable solar panels that give people the opportunity to start small businesses, such as hair salons or cinemas, which create jobs and increase prosperity,” says Ljevakovic.

She points out that if we are to achieve the sustainable development goals and end poverty, it is essential that growth in Africa is green.

The fundamental idea of Techbridge Invest is to make money while contributing to sustainable development in Africa.

“The efforts of Techbridge Invest are a win-win situation for businesses, entrepreneurs, and the world. We build and invest in companies with climate-smart technology that solves challenges,” says Ljevakovic.

Norec’s values are important

The efforts of Techbridge Invest to empower young entrepreneurs in East Africa show how strategic investments and international cooperation can create significant social and economic impact.

“The values of Norec are important. They unite us as a global community, encourage us to work together, and help us look ahead. This is the essence of development,” says Onyiro from Techbridge Invest Africa.

For businesses, a Norec partnership with partners in the Global South can lead to closer cooperation and reduced risk.

Curious about the scheme? Click here to learn more about the grant and how it can help your business

  • New projects in 2024

    • SUNami Solar Kenya has started a new partnership supported by Norec
    • The project involves Sunami Solar Uganda, Multiconsult from Norway, and Synergy from Cameroon. They are working to promote access to clean energy. The goal is to increase technical and administrative knowledge about solar energy, so more African communities can access clean energy solutions.
    • Techbridge Invest has also launched a project with the University of Agder to promote sustainable development and entrepreneurship in East Africa. This collaboration is both academic and practical, allowing students and researchers from the University of Agder to work closely with Techbridge’s projects in Kenya and Uganda. The aim is to combine academic insights with practical business solutions to address socio-economic challenges in the region.
    • Norec supports projects where the business sector can contribute to development and the sustainable development goals.
A group of young people are working on laptops

Norec-partner Techbridge Invest i East-Afrika og their partners

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