We have updated the templates for round description and budget for partners with an active collaboration agreement. See all the changes underneath.

View the updated templates here

Changes to the round description template

  • Guide on how to fill in the application

    We have tried to more specific on how to fill in the different sections and what kind of information we need from you, but the questions are more or less the same is the previous template.

    Guidance on how to fill in the application can now be found in the comments inside the application document.

    We have added one question on where and when you plan to hold your partner meeting.

  • Submission of auditor state authorisation

    Note that we no longer ask you to submit the auditor state authorisation of the auditor who will audit the Norec funds.

    Instead, we ask you to provide the link to the auditor’s state authorisation of the auditor who has audited the partners organisational audited financial statement

    If link is not available, you may include auditor’s certificate as an annex.


Changes to the budget template

  • Increased maximum rates

    The maximum rate on the budget lines for allowance, housing and partner meeting have increased.

    Please refer to the guideline for more information.

  • Participant's activites

    The budget lines for official travel and activities has been renamed Participants’ activities and given a maximum rate. The maximum amount you can apply for is 10% of total participant-related costs.

    This budget line still suppose to cover participants’ in-service travel and activities necessary to acheive the expected results.

  • Training organised by partners

    The budget line for preparatory training organised by the partners has been removed and is no longer part of the standard budget.

    It is still possible to apply for funding to conduct preparatory training under additional funding if the partnership fullfill certain criteria and can document a need for additional training.

  • Exchange coordination and support

    The two budget lines on administrative support have been replaced by a one budget line at the end of the budget template.

    The total amount in this budget line for all the partners cannot exceed 20% of the total project costs (Total participant related cost + Total other project costs).

    The partnership can distribute the amount among the partners as they see fit and according to the level of responsibility the partners have in the project.

View the updated templates here