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Partner Training

Norec offers training and guidance for partners before, during, and after their work exchanges.

Partner Training

Norec offers training and guidance for partners before, during and after their work exchanges. As part of the application process we arrange introductory seminars for those organisations that apply for project support.

After your organisation has entered into an agreement with us, we will ensure that key personnel are trained within the first year of the agreement. If you change key personnel or enter into a new agreement with Norec you will be invited again.

All partners can access webinars and tutorials through our digital learning platform. Norec also arranges partner gatherings to allow partners to network and share knowledge to strengthen their partnerships and improve project results.

Read more about our trainings in the menu on the left.

Introductory Seminar

Once the partnership has been granted a feasibility study by Norec, the partners will have a separate meeting where they meet physically.

In addition all organisations who apply for partnership support must attend Norec’s Introductory Seminar as part of their feasibility study. Read more about the Feasibility study.

The Intro Seminar is primarily conducted digitally. 1-2 representatives from each partner organisation meet for two to three days to complete the following modules:

  • Being a Norec participant
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Planning a Norec project
  • Financial management principles
  • Recruitment and leadership

After the Norec Intro Seminar, you should: 

  • Be inspired and motivated to continue the planning of a Norec exchange
  • Understand the Norec model, its principles and values
  • Understand which factors are most crucial for a successful exchange project
  • Be able to design a project within the Norec framework

Meeting costs for the partner visit, as well as travel and lodging (if applicable), are covered by Norec by the feasibility grant.

Partner Training
Norec’s partner training is mandatory for all new partner coordinators during the first year. If you replace key personnel along the way, we will also offer courses for these new staff.

The partner training is normally arranged at one of our course destinations over three days.

During the training we go through the following modules:

  • Norec’s model, principles and values
  • Norec’s framework and financial principles
  • Participant recruitment, preparation and follow-up during and after the exchange
  • Leadership, mentoring and transfer of knowledge
  • Global understanding

After the Norec Partner training, you should:

  • Be inspired and motivated to coordinate a Norec exchange
  • Understand the Norec model, and be able to apply its principles and values
  • Be able to design, organise and report on a project within the Norec framework
  • Understand the crucial factors that lead to a successful exchange project, and apply this understanding to the implementation of your project
  • Be able to analyse how your own project may be understood in a global development context, and how it may contribute to the UN’s sustainable development goals.

Room and board are covered by Norec, while travel costs are part of the CA grant.

Digital Training

Norec’s digital course platform offers tutorials to help partners write applications and report on projects funded by Norec, as well as digital resources for the Intro Seminar.

We also aim to post webinars and other digital resources there. These will be relevant to the partner’s primary contact, finance manager or other resource personnel working in the partnership.

If you have not been granted access to the training platform, or if you experience technical issues, please let us know: training@norec.no.


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