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Make it known if you suspect censurable conditions, such as violations of laws and regulations, internal guidelines or ethical standards.

Censurable conditions may include:

  • Harassment or other improper conduct
  • Discrimination
  • Financial improprieties
  • Substance abuse, gaming or Internet addiction
  • Conditions that put an individual’s life and/or health in danger
  • Disclosure of confidential information
  • Irresponsible storage of sensitive documents

You can notify your immediate manager or union representative about censurable conditions. If this proves to be difficult, you can use the external whistleblowing channel by completing this form or writing to:

Ernst & Young AS
Att. Granskingsenheten (Forensics), Oslo Atrium
Postboks 1156 Sentrum, NO-0107 Oslo NORWAY

Mark your e-mail or envelope with “Confidential notification”.

You can also notify the external whistleblowing channel by calling +47 24 00 20 14 (business days 08-16).

You have the freedom to choose whether to make your notification anonymous. You can also choose to remain anonymous to Norec, so that your identity is only known to EY.