Available positions at Norec
Are you interested in a career in Norec? Here you will find available positions and more information about what it is like to work at Norec and in Førde
Norec vacancies
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How the application process works
Application process
Soon after the application deadline, qualified applicants will be invited to interview for the position.
In the interview you will meet with the person who would become your direct boss, an adviser from Human Resources, and a representative from one of our two employee unions.
Often the interviews are conducted in two rounds. Those whom are selected to continue on to the next round might, for example, be asked to work through a case study during the second interview.
For some positions we conduct a personality test between the first and second interviews.
Hiring process
When the interviews have been completed, a hiring recommendation is made to Norec’s hiring committee. The committee consists of representatives from management, the Human Resources team and other Norec employees.
Qualified candidates are ranked by the hiring committee, and the highest-ranked candidate is offered the job.
When someone has accepted the job offer, all candidates who applied will receive an email that the process has been completed.
On your first day, you will be welcomed by your direct boss. You will be seated alongside friendly colleagues and appointed a mentor. We will teach you everything to know to work at Norec and for the Norwegian state.
What’s it like to work at Norec?
Employee satisfaction
Norec employees report high levels of employee satisfaction on biannual surveys, reporting that they are glad to come to work and feel mastery in their work. We know this because:
- Employees report that their colleagues are warm, welcoming, and helpful.
- We regularly conduct anonymous surveys where Norec scores high on employee satisfaction across the board.
When we post available positions, we try to also appoint a “reverse reference” from the Norec team who can answer applicants’ questions about the work environment and work life at Norec.
The Norec office
We moved in to a newly renovated office space at Fjellvegen 9 in June of 2021. We have an open-plan workspace with dedicated work stations, flexible meeting rooms, and a large auditorium.
Meeting rooms are designed so that all meetings can also be conducted digitally.
We also have a fancy coffee machine, a massage chair in the break room, and catered lunch twice a week.
Photos to come.
Teamwork, advising, and evaluation
When you start at Norec, you will be assigned to a department. Each department has regular meetings.
We also have employee reviews twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall.
Otherwise, we are a relatively small office. With the open-plan work landscape, you’re never far from colleagues who will be happy to answer your questions as they arise.
Professional development opportunities
We have regular professional development days for the whole organisation with different themes, refreshing our knowledge, competence, and skills. Each department also arranges their own professional development days with themes which are designed to meet the needs of their speciality.
Conversations about professional development and personal goals are also a designated part of the employee review process. Norec is actively engaged with employee professional development.
Employee unions
At Norec we have two employee trade unions: Samfunnsviterne and Norsk tjenestemannslag.
You will receive information about both unions when you start, so that you can choose which you would like to belong to. You can also choose not to become a member of either union, or to belong to one that is not already represented at Norec.

Life in Sunnfjord and Førde
Where can my partner or spouse find work in Sunnfjord?
Sunnfjord has a varied and broad working environment. We have both large public players and private companies, as well as an active entrepreneurial environment.
At the co-working space Peak Sunnfjord, many remote workers rent office space together, building local connections and collegiality among those who are employed elsewhere.
Relevant links:
- Framtidsfylket — A portal for resources about work life and free time in Vestland.
- Sunnfjord utvikling — Development and growth in business
- Vekst- og gründersenteret — Innovation Norway in Førde
- Sunnfjord kommune — næring — Sunnfjord kommune’s page for business and industry resources
- Sunnfjord U40 — Social and professional network for those under 40 years old
- Sunnfjord O40 — Social and professional network for those over 40 years old
- Finn.no — Sunnfjord — Available positions on Finn.no in Sunnfjord
- Nav.no — Sunnfjord — Available positions on Nav.no in Sunnfjord
- FINS — Association of over 140 businesses in Førde and the surrounding areas
Schools and kindergartens
Did you know that schools in Sunnfjord are known for achieving top results on national exams? Educational researchers have frequently come to the region to investigate the roots of this success.
Would you like to speak to someone at Norec who has children? Send us an email and we’ll arrange a chat.
Relevant links:
Sports and training
Sunnfjord has abundant opportunities for sports and training for children and adults, whether you like team sports, skiing, gymnastics, martial arts, swimming, rock climbing, or something completely different. We also have multiple gyms and organised activities.
Relevant links:
- Førde idrettslag
- Gaular idrettslag
- Jølster idrettslag
- Naustdal (Tambarskjelvar) idrettslag
- PULS treningssenter
- SPENST treningssenter
- Sunnfjord kommune — kultur, idrett, friluftsliv
- Kjetils gym
Førde is also home to Sunnfjordparken, a large trampoline park and indoor playground which is very popular with families with children.
"Friluftsliv" and outdoor recreation
Sunnfjord is well known for “friluftsliv” (outdoor recreation). Whether you prefer walking and jogging, climbing to breathtaking mountain summits, leisurely forest hikes, skiing, biking, or kayaking, Sunnfjord has it all. At Norec you will work with many colleagues who love the outdoors, so there is always the chance to join someone on a hike. Førde has spent the past ten years investing in new interconnected bike paths, earning it the name “the biking city.” We also have BUA Sunnfjord, a gear library stocked to the brim with skis, camping equipment, bikes and sporting equipment, so you can always borrow any extra gear you need, completely free.
Relevante linker:
Restaurants and nightlife
Førde has lots of restaurants, concert arenas, and bars, with new ones opening all the time. Many restaurants also arrange pub quizzes or other gatherings throughout the week.
Relevante linker:
Arts and culture
Førde has a rich array of cultural offerings, with concerts, shows, theatre, films, and much more. Did you know for example that Førde is known for Scandinavia’s biggest festival for folk and world music?
Relevant links:
Førde is actually the biggest shopping hub in between Ålesund and Bergen. We have many exciting local stores and cool consignment shops. The most well-known Norwegian clothing, furniture, hardware, electronics, and automotive shops have locations in Førde.
We have everything you need (except IKEA, but we do have a great place to buy used and retro furniture!).
Relevant links:
Housing market
In Sunnfjord we have something for every taste. If you like the conveniences of urban life, you can find many new apartment buildings in downtown Førde with all the modern amenities. On the mountainsides around Førde you’ll find many cozy neighbourhoods with single family homes, duplexes, and town houses.
Prices are relatively high, but more affordable than the big cities like Oslo or Bergen. If you’re looking for a bargain, we recommend checking out the areas surrounding Førde: Sunde, Angedalen, Vassenden, Sande, Bygstad, and Naustdal.
Førde also has a good supply of rental homes.
Relevant links:
New in Norway?
Learning Norwegian
Some positions at Norec require a good working knowledge of Norwegian and English, and some require only English. For the latter positions, we require that employees learn Norwegian to a B2 fluency level within the first two years of working at Norec.
You can enrol in Norwegian courses in Førde or digital courses online. Depending on the type of your work visa, you may be entitled to free language courses.
Relevant links:
Benefits of life in Norway
Norec welcomes international job applicants. It does rain a lot, but there are a lot of upsides to life in the western fjords of Norway.
Norway has high-quality subsidised healthcare, free dental care for children, and free university education. We take great pride in the Norwegian social welfare safety net, providing paid sick leave, parental leave, unemployment benefits, and pension schemes. Our social safety net also means that income inequality is much less of an issue than in many countries around the world.
Norway consistently ranks among the top countries in the world for its standard of living, freedom of the press, and women’s equality. We are also a very LGBTQ+ friendly country. Norway truly emphasises work-life balance, giving you plenty of time to pursue your passions outside of work and easy access to the truly stunning Norwegian forests and fjords.
Relevant links:
Family life in Norway
Norway is one of the safest places in the world to raise children. All families with children in Norway receive a generous subsidy each month to support their care or save for their future.
Children enjoy cozy, welcoming kindergartens, and schools where outdoor play goes hand in hand with academics. There are playgrounds in every neighbourhood in Førde, and children are encouraged from a young age to go out and play with their friends, without constant adult supervision.
Physical activity is prioritised, and children grow up scrambling up mountains like mountain goats. There is a lot of sledding.
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