Norec has granted funding for six projects under the Democracy through Partnerships grant scheme for the period 2024-2025.

The budgets of these projects amount to NOK 6 421 301 in 2024 and 7 351 689 in 2025.

Overview of allocations

The following grant recipients receive funding for the period 2024-2025:

  • Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (AUF) – one project – NOK 1 400 000,-
  • Miljøpartiet de Grønne (MDG) – one project – NOK 1 300 000,-
  • Norges Unge Venste (NUV) – one project – NOK 848 400,-
  • Kristelig Folkeparti (KrF) – two projects – NOK 6 334 590,-
  • Kristelig Folkepartis Ungdom (KrFU) (in cooperation with the several Norwegian youth parties – one project – NOK 3 890 000,-

Norec received in total 8 applications under this call for proposals.

The total amount applied for was approx. NOK 8 400 000 for 2024 and NOK 10 200 000 for 2025.

One application was rejected, and one applicant decided to not enter into an agreement on the terms offered by Norec.

New Scheme for Norec

This is the first time Norec is managing this grant. The scheme was previously under the responsibility of Norad, but Norec took over in January 2024.

The scheme is aimed at Norwegian political parties and youth parties.

“Norec’s experience in working with young people and capacity building across cultures and borders fits perfectly with this,” said Programme Director Margunn Indrebø Alshaikh in November 2023, when it was announced that Norec would be taking on this new task.

About the Grant Scheme

Potential recipients of the grant are Norwegian political parties and their youth organisations. The target group is democratic parties and party systems in ODA-approved countries.